Boiler Wood (One Timers)

“Boiler Wood” or “One-Timers” is a type of wood that consist of fresh logs cut and put through our firewood processor and split “one time”.

Boiler Wood


The pieces will range from approximately 3” to 16” in diameter and since they are cut to order, we can process them at any length (standard is 16” to 18”).  As delivered, this is a phenomenal product for large indoor wood burning stoves and/or outdoor boilers, which require a mix of smaller pcs and larger pcs for longer burns.

Boiler Wood


Likewise, it is great for the outdoor enthusiast, who is looking to save money and loves splitting wood but does want the hassle or danger associated with a chainsaw. It is recommended to by this product within 6 to 10 months of burning as it will be delivered green. You can order it here.

Boiler Wood